St Mobhi's Well

Dublin Core


St Mobhi's Well

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

St Mobhi’s Well

2 Townland, County, GPS

This well is located in the Grange townland of County Dublin.

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

Branigan notes that the well “is located on the grounds of the old Milverton Demesne, southwest of Skerries.” He also notes that “it can be accessed via a disused mass path adjacent to a derelict Gate Lodge, just north of the ruinous St Mobhi’s graveyard and church.” (Branigan 2012:31). The well has a superstructure of large flagstones and boulders with a large sycamore tree. at its head.

4 Cure

Water from the “bullan stone (rock basin)...built into the wall on the right at the bottom step...must be drunk in order to obtain the cure.” Branigan states that “the water is believed to cure warts, toothache, headache, and disorders of the throat.” (Branigan 2012:33).

5 Pattern day

The saint's feast day is October

8 Stories

There are possibly prehistoric cup marks on the boulders now surrounding the well. In folklore, the cup marks are said to be the finger impressions of the mythical giant Fionn MacCumhaill when he threw these boulders from nearby Lusk (Branigan 2012:33).

Branigan offers a legend which tells of a “ploughman [that] was ploughing an area within the nearby graveyard, and was advised not to continue as it was holy ground. He responded by saying ‘St Mobhí or St Mobhó, I’ll plough my frough before I go.’ At which point the ground opened up and swallowed him, with his horses and plough.” (Branigan 2012:33).

9 Publications

Branigan, Gary. 2012. Ancient and Holy Wells of Dublin.
Dublin: History Press.

10 More

“There is also a possible ancient bathing area a short distance to the north” (Branigan 2012:29).
