Blessed Well

Dublin Core


Blessed Well

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

Blessed Well, Tobar Beannaithe

2 Townland, County, GPS

Cashelfean, County Cork. GPS: 51.55962918, -9.61451662

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

The well is on private land and is churned up by cattle. There seems to be a spot where the well use to be where water still bubbles up from the earth.

4 Cure

Sore eyes were healed either with a votive offering or by washing the eyes with the water of the well. The water was not to be drunk or taken away from the site.

5 Pattern day

No Dedication or Feast Day

6 Offerings

No longer revered. One of the Schools' Folklore Collection entry states that people left Rosary beads, medals, or some holy thing. Another entry states that pieces of ribbon or cloths were placed in the briars adjacent to the well

8 Stories

The well is said to be healing to both Catholics and Protestants. A story from the Schools' Folklore Collection tells of a Protestant woman who left money by the well for her daughter who was nearly blind after both had visited the well. The next day a little girl saw the money at the well and, finding no one to whom it belonged, kept it. She woke up the next morning nearly blind, while the Protestant girl was completely healed.

9 Publications

The Schools' Folklore Collection has several entries about this well.

10 More

Information (including references to the Schools's Folklore Collection) and photography: Amanda Clark (
