Lady’s Well, Lettercollum

Dublin Core


Lady’s Well, Lettercollum

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

Lady’s Well, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

2 Townland, County, GPS

Lettercollum, County Cork

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

This well is surrounded by a fence with white painted horizontal rods and sky blue vertical posts. The Stone lined well sits inside the fence and is watched over by a painted statue of Mary, serenely watching visitors. A variety of flowers are planted around her and offerings are placed in the niche beside her. Visitors can find communal mugs from which to drink the waters.

4 Cure

This well does not grant one specific cure.

5 Pattern day

The 15th of August. Mass is still celebrated here on that day as well as the 8th of December.

6 Offerings

“rosaries, medallions, cards, a photo of Padre Pio.” (Clark,

9 Publications

Clarke, Amanda. "Gazetteer." Holy Wells of Cork. Accessed November 2, 2018.
Clarke, Amanda. “The Circular Well” Holy Wells of Cork, 19 Feb, 2016.
Power, Denis. 1998. Archeological inventory of County Cork volume 1: West Cork; comprising the Baronies of Bear, Bantry, West Carbery (east & west), East Carbery (east & west), Ibane & Barryroe and Kinalmeaky. Stationery Office. PP 286.
