Dublin Core
St. Canice's Well St. Kenny's well
Description of Well Item Type Metadata
1 Name of well and saint
Saint Kenny’s Well
2 Townland, County, GPS
Kilkenny City, Kilkenny
3 Physical description of well and its surroundings
The well is located at the bottom of a steep bank near a busy road. A stream runs into the gully which feeds the well its water. A small church like structure is covers the well and allows the visitor to have a seat on a bench. The well is marked by a sign reading “Kenny’s Well” which is the colloquial scottish name for St. Canice. ("Adomnán," http://irelandsholywells.blogspot.com/2011/09/saint-canices-well-kilkenny.html) The Parish’s website advises boiling the water from the well before consuming it as a safety precaution. (https://www.stcanicesparish.ie/st-canices-church/kennys-well/)
4 Cure
No specific cure is associated with this well, but the water is also said to grant protection to travelers.
5 Pattern day
The 11th of October and the 14th of August. Mass is held at the well on the 14th of August every year.
9 Publications
Adomnán. "Holy Well." Saint Canice's Well, Kilkenny. September 04, 2011. Accessed November 04, 2018. http://irelandsholywells.blogspot.com/2011/09/saint-canices-well-kilkenny.html.
"St. Canice's Parish." St Canices Parish ICal. Accessed November 04, 2018. https://www.stcanicesparish.ie/st-canices-church/kennys-well/.
"St. Canice's Parish." St Canices Parish ICal. Accessed November 04, 2018. https://www.stcanicesparish.ie/st-canices-church/kennys-well/.