Well of St Peter and St Paul

Dublin Core


Well of St Peter and St Paul

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

St Peter’s Well and St Paul’s Well

2 Townland, County, GPS

Kilpadder, County Kerry

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

The wells are just a few metres apart. Amanda Clarke gives this account: On the side of the road there is a kissing gate and after walking further into the woods there is another gate. Upon entering the gate there is an enclosed crucifixion table. The Archaeological Inventory describes the well as: “In a wooded area, at the base of outcropping rock on the S bank of the Owbeg River and c. 30m W of St Paul’s Well (KE094-001003-). This well, which is dedicated to St Peter, is situated in the W half of a roughly oval area (diam. c. 80m E-W) which is enclosed by an earthen bank and accessed by a gate at W. Inside the enclosing bank is a path around which pilgrims to the well walk while making the ’rounds’. The well (D 0.37m) is surrounded by three upright stone slabs enclosing a rectangular area (0.65m N-S; 0.5m E-W) which abuts the N face of the outcropping rock and it is fed by a natural spring from which a steady flow of water emerges. The outcropping rock above the well bears three roughly incised crosses (KE094-001002-) on its N face and a statue and cups lie on its upper surface. The smaller St Paul’s Well (KE094-001003-) is c. 30m to the E at the edge of the path. Nearby, a crucifix and a statue are housed in a purpose-built shelter. According to local information, ’rounds’ continue to be made here on 28/29 June. St Peter’s well is the first station and St Paul’s well is the second station visited during the ’rounds’ here.” (Amanda Clarke)

5 Pattern day

June 29

7 Prayer rounds and stations

Five Hail Mary's are said at each well as one round.

8 Stories

Into the 1980s, a pattern Mass was still held every year. For some time in the 20thcentury, St. Paul's well was forgotten until older residents prompted its revival.

9 Publications

Amanda Clarke’s Blog, https://holywellsofcork.com/2018/05/19/a-trip-across-the-border-1-kenmare/
