Tobar Lacknive (the Well of the Heavenly Flagstone)

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Tobar Lacknive (the Well of the Heavenly Flagstone)

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

Tobar Lacknive (Tobar lic nimhe)

Called “Fons Cælestis” in 1886 by John M Thunder. The name “Tobar Lacknive…means well of the heavenly flagstone” (French 2012: 99).

2 Townland, County, GPS

Crossakeel, Meath

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

The well was located about “a quarter of a mile northwest of Crossakiel village…By 1835 the well was almost closed up and was situated in a marshy corner of a pasture field. A very clear stream flowed from the well”” (French 2012: 99).

4 Cure

This well is “believed to be efficacious for the cure of various diseases,” (Thunder 1886: 657).

5 Pattern day

The well was “frequented by pilgrims seeking cures until the early nineteenth century” (French 2012: 99).

9 Publications

Thunder, John M. “The Holy Wells of Meath.” The Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland. Oct 1886-Jan 1887, pp 655-658.

French, Noel. 2012. Meath Holy Wells. Trim: Meath Heritage Centre.
