Lady's Well

Dublin Core


Lady's Well

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

Our Lady’s Well

2 Townland, County, GPS

Killeen, Meath

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

The well is located “near Killeen Castle…Today the well is located on an island in the middle of the lake, just beside the driveway to the Club House at Killeen” (French 2012: 46).

4 Cure

Cures warts. French notes that “in the 1930s there as a big stone with the carved heads of saints at the well…To be cured you had to say five ‘Our Father’, five ‘Hail Mary’s’ and five ‘Glory be to the Fathers’ to each of the stone heads” (French 2012: 46).

8 Stories

“In medieval times there was a confraternity at Killeen dedicated to the Blessed Virgin” (French 2012: 46).

9 Publications

French, Noel. 2012. Meath Holy Wells. Trim: Meath Heritage Centre.
