St. Patrick's Well, Moybologue

Dublin Core


St. Patrick's Well, Moybologue


Brian Callaghan

Bibliographic Citation

O'Connell, Phillip, 1924. 'Moybolge and its Ancient Church', Breifne Antiquarian Society Journal, Vol. II, No. II, pp. 190 - 226
O'Connell, Phillip, 1937 , 'St. Patrick in East Breifne' in O'Connell, Phillip, The Diocese of Kilmore, Its History and Antiquities, Dublin: Browne and Nolan Limited, pp. 70 -95
MacNeill, Maire, 1982,The festival of Lughnasa : a study of the survival of the Celtic festival of the beginning of harvest, Dublin : Comhairle Bhéaloideas Èireann, University College

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

St Patrick's Well, Moybologue

2 Townland, County, GPS

Relaghbeg, County Cavan

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

This well is situated inside the ruins of old St Patrick's Church, Moybologue, at Moybologue old graveyard, Relaghbeg, Co. Cavan. The well lies directly opposite the ruin of the north wall, along the wall between two recumbent slabs, and was formerly the font in the church in Medieval times. A bullaun stone, said to represent the imprint of St Patrick's knee when he hurled his holy water brush at the 'Cailleach Geargain" or 'Garrawog', is built into the road facing boundary wall. The stone is reputed to have a cure for ailments of the knee, or symptoms of arthritis.

4 Cure

The well is visited for cure of warts. The nearby rock is thought to cure ailments of the knee. Hands with warts are washed in the well, and the visitor must bless themselves with the water from the well while reciting the 3 "Glory Be to the Fathers."

6 Offerings

An offering of a silver coin or medallion is thrown into the well or placed along the edge of it.

7 Prayer rounds and stations

One "Our father", three "Hail Marys", three "Glory be to the Fathers", with the visitor to bless themselves with the water from the well during the 3 "Glory be to the Fathers"

8 Stories

If an offering, coin, or medal is removed from the well by another person, that person will be afflicted with warts.

9 Publications

Kathleen Cooney, Treasurer, Moybologue Historical Society, Eamonn Donnelly, Moybologue Historical Society, Brian Callaghan, Secretary, Moybologue Historical Society,
