Shancor Holy Well

Dublin Core


Shancor Holy Well


Brian Callaghan

Bibliographic Citation

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

Shancor Holy Well (also called Killfannin Well). St Patrick

2 Townland, County, GPS

Shancor, Corcorra, County Meath

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

The well is situated about one mile along the Glen Road on the Bailieborough road from Kilmainhamwood, before the crossroads known locally as "Diana's Cross."

4 Cure

The well is visited for cure of ailments, such as toothaches, warts, and eye ailments.

5 Pattern day

Pattern day celebrations were held on the first Sunday in August and cattle were driven from neighbouring parts of East Cavan and North Meath because it was believed the well water had curative power. The tradition of Pattern Day on the first Sunday in August died out in the 1880s, but was revived in 1932. The following year Rev. Fr. Small P.P. had a small cross erected next to the well. Pattern Day celebrations at Shancor died out again by the end of the late 1940s. It was revived again in 1983, the 50th anniversary of 1933 and lasted a few years. In the past, cattle were driven from the neighbouring areas to the well on the first Sunday in August.

6 Offerings

A coin, medal, pin, or needle is thrown into the well.

7 Prayer rounds and stations

A prayer of the person's choice is said at each corner of the well.

8 Stories

There was a prophecy in connection with the well that "the wagons of war would pass within a pistol shot of the holy well," which was deemed to have been fulfilled with the passing lorries of the Black and Tans during the War of Independence.

9 Publications

Oliver Shankey, Shancor; Andy Shankey, Shancor; Eamonn Donnelly, Chairperson, Moybologue Historical Society
