Tiobar Bhrianach

Dublin Core


Tiobar Bhrianach

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

Tiobar Bhrianach

2 Townland, County, GPS

Cork, Cork Co.

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

The well no longer exists. A piece of carved stone masonry (presumably a fragment of a mullion window from an old Franciscan Abbey) marks the spot. This stone is set in the middle of a stone wall on a corner next to a street. When the well did exist, it sat on Wise's hill next to North Mill Distillery (founded 1779) (Clarke, 2016, https://holywellscorkandkerry.com/2016/02/06/four-cork-city-wells/)

4 Cure

"Tober Bhrianach means Well of Learning or Eloquence"

(Clarke, 2016, https://holywellscorkandkerry.com/2016/02/06/four-cork-city-wells/)

6 Offerings

The Cork Archaeological Journal of 1883 cites that “on one or two occasions some pilgrims took pails of whiskey rather than holy water to Wise’s Hill” (When this was found out by authorities, Mr. Wise was forced to shut down the well)

(McGrail, 2016, https://www.irishcatholic.com/irelands-holy-places-of-pilgrimage/)
