Dublin Core
Sunday's Well
Description of Well Item Type Metadata
1 Name of well and saint
Toberdoney Sunday's Well
2 Townland, County, GPS
Shanlis, Louth
3 Physical description of well and its surroundings
It is in boggy ground but the water continuously bubbles up, the excess water flows into a nearby stream.
4 Cure
The water cures asthma and other chest ailments. Part of the cure involves leaving something tied to a nearby thorn bush, and when it decays the ailment should be cured. If someone removes an item from the well site, they will receive the disease that the item was intended to cure.
5 Pattern day
It was celebrated on August 15th, although generally it is not now (although it may still be visited).
6 Offerings
Items left are mostly pieces of cloth such as clothing that are tied to a nearby thorn bush, other items like coins are also thrown in the well.
9 Publications
"The Holy Wells of County Louth" by Larry Conlon, 1999. Pg. 466-467: https://www.jstor.org/stable/27729850?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents
"The Schools' Collection", Volume 0668, pg 381: https://www.duchas.ie/en/cbes/5008848/4960954/5077826
"The Schools' Collection", Volume 0668, pg 381: https://www.duchas.ie/en/cbes/5008848/4960954/5077826