Sunday's Well but also Saint Mairéad's Well

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Sunday's Well but also Saint Mairéad's Well

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

Saint Mairéad's Well (Toberdoney)

2 Townland, County, GPS

Toberdoney Townland, County Louth

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

This well lies on the estate of the Toberdoney House, in a soft grassy area under a big ash tree. According to the author, the well is best visited in the dormant season, "before the grass, the nettles, and other vigorous weeds take over." The roots of the tree form a beehive-like well-house. A large stone, inscribed with the letters "SH OC 1788" and "TH 1700," serves as a water stop. (Connolly and Moroney, 1998).

4 Cure

No specific cures are mentioned, but it is mentioned that pieces of cloth and clothing used to be tied to the tree, suggesting a hope for cures (Connolly and Moroney, 1998), (Conlon, 1999).

5 Pattern day

Though a thing of the past, it is said that in the early nineteenth century, large crowds gathered on the feast day of the patron saint (which is unclear, as the well used to be called "The Lord's Well" or "Sunday's Well"). Sporting events are said to have occurred (Moroney and Connolly, 1998).

6 Offerings

Pieces of cloth are mentioned; they were tied to the big ash tree (Connolly and Moroney, 1998), (Conlon, 1999).

7 Prayer rounds and stations

In 1835, the Townland Name Book records the well as "a place frequented for ablutions of Stations by the Vulgar" (Conlon, 1998).

9 Publications

"The Holy Wells of County Louth" Larry Conlon (1999)
"Stone and Tree Sheltering Waters: An Exploration of Sacred and Secular Wells in County Louth" Susan Connolly and Anne-Maire Moroney (1998)
