Dublin Core
Archangel Michael's Well
Description of Well Item Type Metadata
1 Name of well and saint
St. Michael's well
2 Townland, County, GPS
Dungeagan, Co. Kerry
3 Physical description of well and its surroundings
Stone lined pool covered by a roughly built beehive shaped structure 2.3m in diameter standing 2.8m high. This structure is situated nearby the NW side of the Ballinskeligs Bay.
4 Cure
The cure of this well was believed to just be a general healing water which could cure anything.
5 Pattern day
Religious devotions followed by dancing and celebration were held here on September 29.
6 Offerings
Medals, crosses, beads, buttons, scapulars, nails, and threads were left on the holes of the structure during the pattern day.
10 More
Part of a healing pilgramage.