Dublin Core
St. Conall's Well
Description of Well Item Type Metadata
1 Name of well and saint
The Well of Sea-Gull. St. Connell is the one who blessed it. (The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1053, Page 213)
2 Townland, County, GPS
Kilkenny, Donegal
3 Physical description of well and its surroundings
This is one of two holy wells blessed by St. Conall in Kilkenny, Donegal.
4 Cure
Many people visit the well of sea-gull and get cured of tooth-ache. People are known to bring the water home with them. (The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1053, Page 213)
6 Offerings
Locals leave beads, prayer books, and medals on a flag which lays is over the well before they leave the site. (The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1053, Page 213)
7 Prayer rounds and stations
"Prayers said at the well are five Decades of the Rosary, Lord's prayer and Hail Mary for Father McCullagh. Lord's prayer and Hail Mary are said for the family that owns the land on which the well sits. The Lord's prayer is additionally employed for the intention of getting cured of teeth-ache [sic]. Friday is known to be the best day of the week to make the station. (The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1053, Page 213)
8 Stories
According to local legend, a seagull carried the stone which is at the bottom of the well and placed it there. (The Schools’ Collection, Volume 1053, Page 213)
9 Publications
National Folklore Collection