St. Mochulla's Holy Well

Dublin Core


St. Mochulla's Holy Well


Jane Halloran Ryan

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

St. Mochulla's Holy Well

2 Townland, County, GPS

Tulla, Tulla County Clare.

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

The well is located to the right of the old Boy's School near the Hill of Tulla (Tulla Graveyard). There are steps that lead down to the well. A celtic cross is located at the top of the well wall. There is a stone in front of the well that bears the marks of St. Mochulla's knee.

4 Cure

The well water is supposed to have a curative power for sore eyes.

5 Pattern day

23 March and 23 June. Visits to the well took place on these days.

6 Offerings

Rosary beads are often left nearby.

9 Publications

Tulla Reaching Out Publication "Reflections from Home and Abroad" 2016. St. Mochulla, Patron Saint of Tulla by Sr. Eileen Callinan.
