St. Moling's Well

Dublin Core


St. Moling's Well

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

St. Moling's Well (Photo by Amanda Clarke)

2 Townland, County, GPS

Brosna, East County Kerry

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

On the marked path to the well are stone stations named kneelers, where pilgrims kneel and pray while on their way to the well. The narrow stone entrance opens to an area where the well is visible. The well housing is circular with medium sized stones placed at the top of the structure. Another narrow opening in the structure allows access to the water. The well is enclosed by a stone and grass slope. At the top of the well structure is candles and a mug to collect the water.

4 Cure

The well cures sore eyes and sores in general. St. Moling was cured at this well.

5 Pattern day

The pattern day is on Saturdays in May. Many pilgrims come to say prayers during this time. St Moling’s feast day is the 17th June though it does not seem to have been especially commemorated at Brosna, May being the special month here.

6 Offerings

Offerings are left at the top of the well's stone structure.

7 Prayer rounds and stations

The Schools' Folklore Collection states how rounds are paid uniquely to this well. "The people kneel at the first mound and say Our Father, ten Hail Marys. They continue going around in that way until three rounds of the beads have been completed. When they have this done they go near the well, make a cross of rushes and throw it into the well. Long ago when the old people knew Irish they had a beautiful prayer to say when they went to the well" (Schools’ Folklore Collection: 314/15:0449).

8 Stories

In 1998 the well was renovated by resident James Scanlon with the Brosna Heritage Group, who replaced the stone kneelers and reconfigured the stone well structure.

9 Publications

10 More

St. Moling preached to a group of pagans who he hoped to convert. One of them was blind and asked for a demonstration of Gods power, the Saint struck the ground with his crozier and a well was formed that cured the blind man of his blindness. All of those witnesses converted immediately.
