St. Mogue's Well

Dublin Core


St. Mogue's Well

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

St. Mogue's Well

2 Townland, County, GPS

Clonmore, Co. Carlow

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

The well is located at the Old Chapel and Graveyard, which is accessible from the road. A church and large historic graveyard are still present. The well can be found just past the church.

8 Stories

As recorded and present in the NFC archive, James Byrne recounted in 1930 the following story about the well:

"Years an'years ago there was a monastery in Clonmore and there was a whole lot of monks and priests and saints in it. But in the time of the Danes the monastery was destroyed by them. All the saints was killed and all the holy vessels was taken by the robbers, and the last time they came there a big stone as blew up out of the monastery and it made three jumps. The first place that it jumped to was a bit below the monastery and where it lighted a spring of water sprang up and it cured thousands of people of their [diseases]- an it would cure em still if they only went there instead of to the potashery. The second jump it made of lighted at the robbers castle above... and soon as it did every wan of them was ate alive with flays and they were all so tormented that had to leave their castle. The third jump it made was to where it is now. At that time all the land around there was poor and wet but when it lighted there it said:-
"Here I will stay till the destruction of the world and I vow that his farm will turn into fertile land, the most fertile in the parish of Clonmore and no one will interfere with me, and no grass will grow over me and I will be here till the end of time".

9 Publications

For directions to the church site for visitors:
For photos of the site, please see:
Duchas NFC SC 0909: 110-111 & 550 provide historical accounts of the well's presence.
