St. Attracta's Well

Dublin Core


St. Attracta's Well

Description of Well Item Type Metadata

1 Name of well and saint

Saint Attracta's Well

2 Townland, County, GPS

Monasterredan, Co. Sligo

3 Physical description of well and its surroundings

 There are two wells an inner and an outer which is fed by the inner. The outer well was used in the past as standard drinking water while the inner had special properties associated with fertility, it is said the water from the inner well cannot boil regardless of the heat put into it.

4 Cure

Said to aid with pregnancy. The well is associated with fertility, in times gone by the orbs on the top of the well, the “serpents eggs” were brought home by those wishing to get pregnant as they aided in fertility. There used to be 13 eggs. There are now just 3 eggs left and have been cemented to the top of the well. Even now, the wells water is said to help with pregnancy and offerings are left by those who wish to experience that. 

5 Pattern day

12th of August

6 Offerings

Pregnancy tests, rosary beads, pictures

8 Stories

The saint is said to have slayed a serpent here; she is said to have done this at multiple locations.
