Browse Items
- 1 August
- 1 Feb
- 1 February
- 1 March
- 10 July
- 12 December
- 15 August
- 17 June
- 17 March
- 18 December
- 19 March
- 1st Saturday of May
- 23 June
- 24 August
- 24 July
- 24 June
- 25 July
- 29 December
- 29 July
- 29 June
- 29 October
- 29 September
- 5 March
- 6 October
- 7 August
- 8 March
- 8 September
- 9 June
- 9 October
- A August
- Abbey-Lands
- abuse
- aches
- Act of Contrition
- Aghamore
- Agharinagh
- Aghyaran
- ague
- Ahanass
- Aherlow
- all disorders
- Allihies
- altar
- Anglo-Normans
- Anne
- Antrim
- April 15
- April 30
- Archangel Michael
- Archangel Michael's Well
- Archangel Michaels Well
- Ardbraccan
- Ardfent
- Ardmore
- Ardra
- Armagh
- arthritis
- ash
- Ash Tree
- asthma
- Athenry
- Aughanass
- Aughnasheelin
- August
- August 1
- August 14
- August 15
- Augustine
- back
- backache
- Balcunnin
- baldness
- Baldurgan
- Balgriffin
- Ballaghameehan
- ballaun
- Ballinaglerah
- Ballyard
- Ballygorman
- Ballyhaunis
- Ballymichael
- Ballynacally
- Ballynakilla
- Ballysteen
- Ballyvelone
- Ballyvourney
- Balrothery
- baptism
- baptistry
- barefoot
- Barnes
- Bartholomew
- Baytown Park
- Beach
- Beagán
- Bealtine
- Bere Island
- bird
- birthstone
- Blessed Virgin Mary
- Blessed Well
- blindness
- boat
- bog
- Bohercom
- Booleynanollagh
- bots
- bows
- bracelets
- bread
- bread votives
- Brendan
- Brideswell Commons
- Bridgid
- Brigid
- Broc
- bruises
- bullaun
- Bunduff
- burns
- Burrow
- buttons
- Cahir
- cairn
- Caldavnet
- Callaros Oughter
- cancer
- candle
- candles
- Cappanakeady
- Carlanstown
- Carlow
- Carnaween
- Carnsore
- Carrownaglogh
- Carrownedan
- Carryblagh
- Carthage
- Castlehaven
- Castlekeeran
- Castlelands
- Catherine
- cattle
- Cavan
- Cavancarragh
- Celtic Cross
- chicken pox
- childbirth
- chin cough
- Chink Well
- Christmas Eve
- Church Well
- Churchtown Point
- cillín
- Clare
- Cleenish Parish
- Cloghfune
- Clonabreany
- Clonard
- Clonbeg Church
- Clonmel
- clootie
- clooties
- Cloth
- clothes
- Clothing
- Co. Clare
- Co. Cork
- Co. Donegal
- Co. Dublin
- Co. Fermanagh
- Co. Kerry
- Co. Monaghan
- coffin
- Coin
- Coins
- Colman MacDuagh
- Colmcille
- Columcille
- Conlan
- Connemara
- Cooldaniel
- Coole Upper
- Corcarra
- Cork
- Corker
- Cornamucklagh
- Corratinner
- Courtaparteen
- Cranfield
- Creagh
- Cromwell
- Cronan
- cross
- cross slabs
- Crosshaven
- crucifix
- Crucifixes
- Cuilmore
- Culdaff
- cure
- cure all
- cures
- cures animals
- Cushenden
- cuts
- Dabhach Bhride
- Dabhach Phádraig
- Dara
- Deansgrange
- December 12
- December 15
- December 25
- December 29
- December 3
- December 8
- Declan
- deer
- Dennis
- Dernahimmerick
- Derry
- destroyed
- Diana's Cross
- Diarmuid
- Dingle Peninsula
- disert
- Donaghmore
- Donegal
- Doon Peter
- Doon well
- Doonierin
- Doonpeter
- Doulagh
- Down
- drinking water
- drowning
- Drumacoo
- Drumcondra
- Drumree
- Dublin
- Dulick
- Dún Peadair
- Dundalk
- Dunnamaggin
- Dunowen
- ear
- ear cure
- ears
- eel
- eels
- Eigne
- Esker
- eye
- eye cure
- Eye Spout
- eyes
- Fachtna
- fairy
- Fanad
- farm animals
- Faughart
- Faughart Upper
- Feb. 1
- February 1
- February 10
- February 11
- February 18
- feet
- Fermanagh
- Fermoy
- figurines
- Finan
- Finian
- Fintan
- fire
- First May Sunday
- Fish
- Flannan
- flowers
- Foillatrisnigh
- footprint
- Fr. Friel
- Fr. O'Donnell
- Francis
- fresco
- Friar
- Friary Well
- Friday
- Galway
- Garland Sunday
- Garranecore
- Gartan
- Gleann na nGealt
- Glebe
- Glenmore Upper
- Glennawoo
- Glenville Parish
- Gloonan
- Gob Bheannaithe
- God
- Good Friday
- Gortnaclohy
- Gouladoo
- gout
- Grallach
- Grange
- grotto
- Grumley's Well
- hair
- hair fasteners
- hair ornaments
- hawthorn
- hay fever
- hazel
- Head
- head aches
- head pain
- headache
- headaches
- healing priest
- Holmpatrick
- Holy Cards
- Holy Cross
- Holy Pictures
- Holy Spout
- Holy water bottles
- Holy women
- Horse
- horse cure
- horseshoe
- horseshoes
- Howth
- icons
- Imbolc
- imprint rock
- imprint stone
- incest
- Inghean Bhaoith
- Inishowen
- Innisheer
- insanity
- Iron
- Ite
- James
- Jan. 8
- January 5
- January 6
- jaundice
- Jesus
- joints
- July
- July 24
- July 28
- June 14
- June 23
- June 24
- June 29
- June 9
- Keelhilla
- Kells
- Kenmare
- Kerry
- Kevin
- Kieran
- Kilbride
- Kilbrogan
- Kildalkey
- Kildare
- Kilgobnet
- Kilkee
- Kilkenny
- Kilkip West
- Killanully
- Killarney
- Killbroney
- Killeenadeema East
- Killeter
- Killfannin Well
- Killinaboy
- Killinkere
- Killybegs
- Kilmakilloge
- Kilmichael
- Kilmocomoge
- Kilmoon
- Kilnahone
- Kilpadder
- Kilshane
- Kilskyre
- King of Sunday
- Kinneigh
- Kinsealy
- Knee
- knee imprint
- knee prints
- knee stone
- Knockluas
- Knockreer
- Lady
- Lady Well
- Lady's Well
- Ladywell
- Lambay Island
- lameness
- Laois
- Lassair
- Last April Sunday
- learning
- legs
- Leitrim
- leper
- leprosy
- Lettercollum
- Lettercolum
- letters
- lighters
- lightning
- limbs
- Limerick
- limpet shells
- Lisheen
- Lissanisky
- Little Well of the Road
- loneliness
- long station
- Lorrha
- Lough Atalia
- Lough Neagh
- Lough well
- Loughrea
- Louth
- Lucan
- Luctigern
- Lughnasa
- Lúghnasadh
- Mac Duagh’s Blessed Well
- MacCullin
- Maelruain
- Magherakeel
- Magooly
- Malachy
- Malahide
- malarial fever
- Malin
- Mallauns
- March 12
- March 16
- March 17
- March 23
- March 24
- March 25
- March 8
- Marlfield
- Martinmas
- Mary
- Mass
- mass rock
- Maulinward
- Maur
- May 1
- May 15
- May 16
- May Eve
- Mayo
- Meath
- Medals
- medicine bottles
- Meehan
- mental illness
- Michael
- Michaelmas
- Midsummer
- Minard Castle
- Miskaun Glebe
- Mobhi
- Mochua
- Molaga
- Molougha
- Monaghan
- Monnina
- morning sickness
- moved
- Moybologue
- Mulhuddart
- Mura
- nails
- Naomh Crannachán
- Neagh North
- nerves
- Nervous Disorder
- neuralgia
- New Year's Eve
- Newtown
- November 11
- November 25
- O'Donnell
- O'Meighan
- October 11
- October 15
- October 23
- October 27
- October 29
- Odran
- Offaly
- offering
- offerings
- Olcan
- Oliver Plunkett
- Omey Island
- Oran
- Our Lady
- Our Lady's Well
- Our Lady’s Well
- pain
- panacea
- Pappin
- Patrick
- Pattern Day
- pebble
- pebbles
- personal name well
- pests
- Phillip
- Photos
- pins
- Plastic flowers
- Portmarnock
- protection in travel
- Quay
- Raffeen
- rag
- rag tree
- Rag Well
- rags
- rainwater
- Rathdrum
- Rathkieran
- Reenavanny Holy Well
- Relaghbeg
- religious figurines
- Religious Pictures
- Religious Statues
- restoration
- rheumatism
- ribbon
- ribbons
- Ringrone
- Rings
- ringworm
- robin
- Rodan
- rodents
- Rooves Beg
- Rosaries
- rosaries.
- rosary
- Rosary beads
- Roscommon
- Rosserk
- Rossinver
- rounds
- rushes
- Saint Mairéad
- Saintdoolaghs
- sarah
- Saturdays
- scales
- Scapular
- scapulars
- Scattery
- scurvy
- Sea Trout
- seagull
- Sechnaill
- Senan
- September 14
- September 25
- September 29
- September 4
- September 8
- Shancor
- Shancor Well
- Shaver's Well
- shells
- shorcha
- shore
- Silver Hugh
- sinus
- skin
- skin complaints
- skin conditions
- skin diseases
- Skour Well
- slate
- Sleveen East
- Slieve Sneacht
- Sligo
- soil
- sorcha
- sore eye
- sore eyes
- sore feet
- sore legs
- sore throat
- sores
- South Commons
- spa
- sprain
- sprains
- sskin
- St Abbán
- St Abbey
- St Abby
- St Anne
- St Anne’s Holy Well
- St Attracta
- St Augustine
- St Augustine’s Well
- St Barrahane’s Well
- St Bernard
- St Bernard's Well
- St Berrihert
- St Brendan
- St Bridget
- St Bridget's Holy Well
- St Bridghid
- St Bridgid
- St Brigid
- St Brigid's cross
- St Brigit
- St Brigit’s Holy Well
- St Bronagh
- St Bronagh's Well
- St Canaoi
- St Canaoi's Well
- St Canice
- St Catherine
- St Catherine's Well
- St Ciaran
- St Colman
- St Colmcille
- St Columb
- St Columba
- St Columba's Well
- St Conan
- St Cuan’s Well
- St Dalbach
- St Dalbach's Well
- St Davaog
- St Declan
- St Dominic
- St Doulagh's Well
- St Dymphna
- St Dympna
- St Dympna's Well
- St Enda's Well
- St Eoin
- St Finan
- St Finbarr
- St Finian
- St Finian's Well
- St Gobnait
- St Gobnit
- St Ina.
- St James
- St John
- St John's Well
- St Kenny
- St Kevin
- St Kevin's Well
- St Kieran
- St Killian
- St Leonard
- St Leonard’s Well
- St Lugna
- St Maccalin
- St Maccalin's Well
- St MacCullin
- St Maighneann
- St Margaret
- St Martin
- St Mary
- St Mary's Well
- St Michael
- St Mobhi
- St Mobhi's Well
- St Mochuda
- St Mochulla
- St Mochulla's Holy Well
- St Molaise
- St Molaise's Well
- St Moling
- St Moling's Well
- St Movee
- St Mughain
- St Mullins
- St Nooa
- St Odhran
- St Olcan
- St Patrick
- St Patrick's Well
- St Patrick’s Well
- St Paul
- St Peacaun
- St Peter
- St Ruadhán
- St Ruadhán's Well
- st sarah
- St Scire
- St Scire's Well
- St Sedna
- St Senan
- St Soorney
- St Sourney
- St Sylvester
- St Ultan
- St Ultan's Well
- St Winifred
- St. Molaise
- St. Albert
- St. Anastasia
- St. Anne
- St. Assam
- St. Baoithin
- St. Baran
- St. Bartholomew
- St. Begnet
- St. Berrihert
- St. Biorran
- St. Borchill
- St. Brighid’s Well
- St. Brigid
- St. Brock
- St. Brogan
- St. Buadan
- St. Buite
- St. Canice
- St. Cathaldus
- St. Catherine
- St. Catherine's Pond
- St. Ciaran
- St. Colman
- St. Colman Mac Duagh
- St. Colmcille
- St. Commaneth
- St. Conall
- St. Crohane
- St. Cuan
- St. Cuddy
- St. Darerca
- St. David
- St. Dennis
- St. Dominic’s Holy Well
- St. Donagh
- St. Dympna
- St. Eigne
- St. Eigne's Well
- St. Ethne
- St. Fachtna
- St. Feichin
- St. Finian
- St. Finnan
- St. Flainn
- St. Flannan
- St. Fortchern
- St. Francis
- St. Fursey
- St. Gobnait
- St. Ite
- St. James
- St. John
- St. John's Eve
- St. John's Well
- St. Joseph
- St. Kenny
- St. Kevin
- St. Kieran
- St. Laserian
- St. Latiaran
- St. Manchan
- St. Margaret
- St. Marnock’s Well
- St. Martin
- St. Mary
- St. Michael
- St. Mobii
- St. Mochuda
- St. Mochulla
- St. Mogue
- St. Moling
- St. Mughain
- St. Nechtan
- St. Nicholas
- St. Patrick
- St. Patrick's well
- St. Paul
- St. Peter
- St. Rodan
- St. Ronan
- St. Ruadhán
- St. Seanachan
- St. Senan
- St. Ultan
- St. Werburgh
- St. Winifred
- St.Tiarnach
- staff
- Statues
- stomach
- stomach illnesses.
- stomachache
- stone
- stones
- stress
- Sunday
- Sunday well
- Sunday's well
- swelling
- Swords
- sycamore
- Tara
- Teernea
- teeth
- Termon
- TErmonamongan
- Terryglass
- thorn tree
- throat
- thrush
- thunderstorms
- Tighernagh
- Tiknock
- tinsel
- Tipperary
- Tobairin Mhuire
- Tobar Abbán
- Tobar Agaistín
- Tobar Beannaithe
- Tobar Beannaithe Naomh Eoin
- Tobar Beannithe Cúil
- Tobar Bhríde
- Tobar Dhomhaigh
- Tobar Domhnaigh
- Tobar Eanna
- Tobar Éinne
- Tobar Eoin
- Tobar Fhionáin
- Tobar Losa
- Tobar Mhearnóg
- Tobar Mhichíl Naomhtha
- Tobar Mhuire
- Tobar Muire
- Tobar na Baintighearana
- Tobar na Gréine
- Tobar na hEaglaise
- Tobar na Mainistreache
- Tobar na nGealt
- Tobar na Sceabhrach
- Tobar na Suil
- Tobar na Tríonóide
- Tobar Riogh an Domhnaigh
- Tobar San Lionárd
- Tobar Shorcha
- Tober Ultan
- Tober-Murry
- Toberbawn
- Tobereenvohir
- Tobermurry
- Toberona
- Toberona Tobar Eoin
- Toberonan
- Tobersool
- Tobertown
- toothache
- Toothaches
- Toureen
- tourists problematic
- toys
- tree
- Trinity
- Trinity College
- Trinity Sunday
- Trinity Well
- trout
- Tubber
- Tubbermaclugg
- Tubrid
- Tulla
- Tully
- Tullyallen
- Tullygarvan
- turas
- ulcers
- Ultan
- vitality
- vomitting
- votive
- votives
- Wall
- Walshestown
- Warrenstown
- wart
- Warts
- Waterford
- Weaterfor
- Well and Shrine of St Molaise
- Well of the Eyes
- Well of the King of Sunday
- Well of the White Cow
- wellhouse
- Werburg
- Westmeath
- Wethers Well
- Wexford
- White Trout
- whitehorn
- whooping cough
- Wicklow
- willow tree
- Winifred
- won't boil
- worries
- worry
- wounds